Ways to decrease inflammation

Your body is made of trillions of cells.  These cells require the PROPER nutrients to stay healthy.  When the body does not get the proper nutrients, or when it is exposed to substances that are toxic to the body, the cells cannot thrive and chronic disease is inevitable.  To optimize your cell’s health, we recommend the following:

I recommend a gluten free/grain free diet for all patients with any systemic illness or inflammatory process – It is very likely gluten and grains caused the problem. Gluten sensitivity is common and people may live their entire lives not knowing they have it.  Gluten sensitivity can manifest as irritable bowel, joint pains, back pain, auto-immune disease, osteoporosis, anemia, cancer, fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, hormone imbalances, ADHD, migraines, fibromyalgia, depression, dementia, schizophrenia, neuropathy, autism, obesity, and many other diseases. – THIS IS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR ALL PATIENTS. THERE IS NOTHING HEALTHY ABOUT EATING GLUTEN. If you are overweight, removing gluten is the fastest way to lose the unwanted pounds as well.  

Stop eating conventional dairy products. This includes all types of animal based milk products.  Conventional dairy products are full of hormones (estrogen) which cause inflammation and weight gain and antibiotics which you are harmful to you and the normal gut bacteria.  Specifically, casein, a protein found in animal milk products, has many amino acid chains which are similar to gluten.  This causes a severe inflammatory reaction in your gut.  If you must eat dairy products, use products that are labeled ORGANIC.

If you are overweight or diabetic try fasting for 24 hours 2-3 times per week.  Fasting trains your body to decrease the release of insulin into the blood stream.  This will force the body to use up all available simple sugars for energy.  Once the simple sugars are used up, your body will learn to use the stored fat as energy and burn it away.  The only way to get the body to burn fat is to not ingest food.  Please see the book – The Complete Guide to Fasting by Dr. Jason Fung for details.  I suggest having a normal dinner and then not eat breakfast or lunch.  Resume a healthy dinner the next night.  High fat, low carb diets such as a ketogenic diet will also expedite weight loss and help cure diabetes.  See the book Keto-Adapted by Maria Emmerich

Take Vitamin D3  – 5000 units/day (or 1000 units for every 25 pounds of weight) – Vitamin D is not a vitamin.  It is a hormone. Vitamins D deficiency leads to obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, increased inflammation, dementia, Alzheimers, depression, fibromyalgia, and auto-immune disease.  If you take Vitamin D you MUST also take

Cut out all sources of carbohydrates (sugars)- soda (including diets soda), sugary coffee drinks, juice, candy, cookies, and bread products – eat healthy fats and proteins instead.  Yes, you heard me, eat fat!  However there are good and bad fats.  Good fats include fats derived from avocados, coconut oil, fish oil (better yet try Krill oil), organic eggs, grass fed butter (made from milk from cows who were grass fed), pasture fed meats, and nuts. Until you are healthy, the only liquid you should be drinking is water (add lemon or lime for flavor – no sugar). 

Take Magnesium Chloride or Magnesium Glycinate 500-1000mg/day. Everyone in the United States is probably magnesium deficient.  Magnesium is responsible for over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body.  If you are deficient, these important reactions will cease.  This results in inflammation, poor energy production, and a multitude of pains, especially migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms. If you take calcium or Vit D supplements, you MUST also take a magnesium supplement. Most magnesium supplements are poorly absorbed and thus cause diarrhea. Stick to magnesium chloride or glycinate.  DO NOT USE MAGNESIUM OXIDE, WHICH IS THE MOST COMMON FORM FOUND AT YOUR PHARMACY.
Add turmeric to your food or better yet, take one turmeric capsule twice a day (350-500 twice a day).  This is a far better anti-inflammatory than ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, aspirin, or tylenol.  It is not toxic to your stomach, kidneys or liver.  It lowers cholesterol (which may not be necessary unless you are also diabetic) and has anti-cancer effects.  Ask your doctor if you are on any blood thinning

Consider taking DHA supplements to keep your brain healthy – decreases incidence of neurological disease including dementia, migraines, memory impairment. take 1000mg day.

Stop using vegetable oil and canola oil – use coconut oil to cook with – These contain medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) which decrease inflammation and are a great source of energy that will not cause weight gain. Olive oil is fine as long as you do not heat it.  Heating up olive oil releases free radicals which cause tissue damage

If you are doing the above and still have no improvement, try adding  a probiotic.  There are more bacteria in your intestines than there are human cells in your whole body.  The makeup of your gut bacteria varies from person to person.  Certain bacteria are able to extract more sugar from the foods you eat and therefore increase your intake of sugar.  By reconstituting the gut with good bacteria, you may be able to decrease the amount of sugars entering your systemic circulation.  Buy probiotics that are refrigerated as many that are available on the store shelves may not contain viable bacteria. Look for brands that contain 30 billion CFUs (colony forming units) or greater per serving.
For patients with arthritic pains, try avoiding nightshade vegetables for 2 weeks and assess whether your pains improve.  Nightshade vegetables include: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers (bell, chili, paprika, tamales, tomatillos, pimentos, cayenne).
Don’t worry about  your cholesterol levels unless you are diabetic -You need cholesterol as your brain and many hormones are highly composed of cholesterol. Avoid being on statins unless you also have diabetes. LDL is only dangerous when it becomes glycosylated (sugar molecules attach so that the structure becomes altered thereby making them incapable of transporting cholesterol into cells where it needs to be).  Glycosylated LDL can become oxidized which is a risk factor for developing atherosclerosis which leads to heart disease and stroke.
See our Pain Resources page for links to many of these supplements.
Or see Dr. Guiang’s supplement list on TheKnowledgeGuide.co
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